4 Quick Ways To Find Creative Inspiration

Feeling a bit stuck? Looking for ways to ramp up the power of your photography but not sure how? BeFunky can help!

1. Get to know one effect well.
Sometimes you can get a better sense of how best to use an effect by seeing what it does to different photos, or what different iterations of the same effect do to one photo. Chromatic is one of my favorite effects in the BeFunky photo editor; I love to compare what each shade of it does to one photo and see what looks best. Which would you choose? Or would you use the slider to tone down the effect?

2. Browse the Explore Gallery.
BeFunky’s Explore Gallery is full of stunning images created with the BeFunky photo editor. Browse through it; share particularly well-done images on Facebook, Pinterest, or Twitter; and “heart” your favorites. Many of them showcase effects, designs, and text in ways you may not have realized were possible. Great artists know how to take others’ ideas and turn them into their own, right?

3. Try out the Collage Maker.
Head over to the Collage Maker here. Then click on the Templates icon in the lefthand toolbar to choose a structure for your collage. If you don’t have a project in mind, try one of the fun ones full of lots of different shapes. I use the collage maker to create images for my blog when I need to pull together more than one smaller image; here I used it to make a collage of book covers. (I also used it to create the collage showcasing the different Chromatic effects up in point 1.)

4. Experiment.
BeFunky has so many fun different options to choose from. Use the Designer to create social media headers and graphics, invitations, or a flyer for a public event you’re planning or seminar you’re offering. Start with one of the templates and personalize as you like. Or fly solo and just make it up as you go! Have fun!