5 Product Hunt Finds I’m In Love With

I discovered Product Hunt a few months ago, and let me tell you, it’s a life-changer. Every day, the newest tech products, mobile apps, and websites are added to Product Hunt by users all over the world. The result is a curation of the best new products out there. Let me tell you about five Product Hunt finds I’m loving right now (besides BeFunky, of course).
1. My 90’s TV
Talk about nostalgia! I was a 90’s kid, so I really appreciate the chance to watch all my favorite shows on My 90’s TV. You can tailor the types of shows to your favorite categories (cartoons, music, talkshows, etc.), select which year you want to watch TV from, and even change the channel with the online remote. I’m pretty hooked on this site.

2. Bon Appetour
Foodies around the world unite! Bon Appetour connects you with a dining experience like no other. You basically invite yourself over for a dinner party in homes around the world. Search for a city, select your host, and party on over.

3. Lightyear.fm
Lightyear.fm makes you feel like you’re traveling through space and time! It’s based on the science that radio waves leave Earth at the speed of light, so the farther away you are, the older the radio broadcasts get. Click on the lightyears on the left of the screen and listen to the songs get older and older.

4. Hipcamp
It’s basically Airbnb, but for camp sites! Through this land-sharing program, Hipcamp lets you search for camping spots outside of the norm. You’ll find yourself with access to campsites on farms, vineyards, mountains, rivers, and beyond.

5. NPR One
Ok, ok. So I am a sucker for public radio. That makes NPR One my best friend, because it lets me tailor my preferences and curates a personalized stream of podcasts and stories. I’ve listened to some awesome content that I wouldn’t have otherwise found on my usual podcasts. Love, love, LOVE this app.

And of course, you can find BeFunky on Product Hunt, too! It’s listed under “Best App Ever.” For all your photo editing and design needs, get at this.