Learn Sarah Foster
Posts by Sarah Foster
Crafting Festive Greetings: A Guide to DIY Digital Holiday Cards
Create an original holiday card in minutes with our Holiday Card templates…
Tint Images Online for a Dynamic New Look
Tint images online for a brand new aesthetic…
A Guide for Creating Digital Blue and Golden Hour Photos
Achieve that perfect golden or blue hour look without the time crunch stress…
Find Your Focus With Funky Focus
Add depth to your photos by changing your focal point with BeFunky’s Funky Focus…
Mastering Low Light Photography: A Guide to the Denoise Tool
Denoise grainy, low light photos in seconds with BeFunky’s Denoiser…
Digital DIY: How-to Guide for Virtual Makeovers With BeFunky Mobile
Learn how to utilize BeFunky’s mobile app to give yourself a digital makeover…
Discover the Wonders of Blue Hour
Blue hour is a fleeting, magical time to capture photos. read on to learn all about…
Capturing the Magic of Golden Hour Photography
Photos look their best during Golden Hour, aka that time after sunrise or before…
The Ultimate Wedding Planning Guide: Tips and Tricks for Success
Planning a wedding can seem daunting, but when you’ve got these free tools at your…
Discover the Magic of the Object Eraser: Remove Objects With a Click
Remove objects from any photo in seconds with the Object Eraser…
Curate and Captivate: Your Ultimate Guide to Tailored Instagram Highlight Covers
Create standout IG Highlight covers to organize your content for easy viewing…
How to Plan the Perfect Engagement Photoshoot
Having a plan when it comes to your engagement photoshoot is essential for…