Etsy Shop BeachHouseTreasures Is No Stranger To BeFunky…

When you're running an online shop, beautiful photos of your products are crucial. This is something Tammy Douglas, creator of the Etsy shop BeachHouseTreasures, fully understands. She saw an immediate jump in sales once she focused on creating great photos of her beach inspired jewelry.
"BeFunky is definitely helping my sales, with tons of competition from sellers all over the world on Etsy, I definitely had to make my merchandise come to life through photos. This is where BeFunky comes in, I feel that my photos have gone from ordinary to outstanding with the tools on BeFunky"

Before starting BeachHouseTreasures, Tammy had been using BeFunky to touch up some family photos, so it was an obvious choice for her to use BeFunky for all of her Etsy photos! She doesn't have an expensive camera or studio equipment, so almost every photo she uses needs some touching up. She starts with the Beautify tool, then adjusts the Highlights and then it's the Sharpen tool that gives her photos that crisp, defined look.
"I don’t want my customer to be misled by colors on a piece of jewelry or anything I am about to list in my store, so I am very careful not to over color my photo. Each picture needs a little something different and Befunky has everything I need to do this."

If you're just starting your Etsy shop and you're not a professional photographer, Tammy recommends making use of natural light along with all the creative tools BeFunky has to offer.
"I have searched other photo editing sites and have not found another service that is as user-friendly, and has as many editing tools as Befunky"

About Tammy:

While vacationing with her family in Maine as a child, Tammy would spend hours on the beach collecting and painting seashells. That passion grew to become her Etsy shop, BeachHouseTreasures, which offers a variety of beach inspired pendants and home décor treasures embellished with seashells and other fun sparkly items.