BeFunky Has A Holiday Gift Just For You :)

Our CEO must be catching up on Oprah reruns because yesterday he burst into the office and said “There is nothing we love more than our users, which is why we are taking the time to show our appreciation and give back. We want to offer students from all over the world the opportunity to experience all of our premium editing capabilities and create amazing and fun photos—for free”. So that's exactly what we're doing. Seriously, we're hooking you up with all our premium features until February 28th, 2013!

Right now you're probably saying to yourself "what's the catch?", well the catch is you need to be under 21 and your facebook account needs to be connected to your BeFunky account. That's it. It only takes seconds to create an account at, and since my grandma has a facebook account, it's pretty safe to say that you have one too!
Now, you're probably saying "what are the premium features and why do I want them?", well when we upgrade you from a basic account to a premium account you'll get more effects, filters, frames, and goodies. You'll love all of BeFunky's features, your artistic side will get a ginormous boost and everyone who sees photos you've edited with BeFunky will have their minds blown!
Now go unwrap your gift at, and if you feel so inclined, share the gift with all of your facebook friends :)