Elaine Barnett / Amateur Photographer

Elaine owns a pet sitting business in Ruckersville, VA and photography is her hobby. She finds crisp and clean photos boring, so she uses BeFunky to give them a vintage look.

-My primary focus is on landscapes, followed by capturing historical events in my county, like the Civil War, and now I’m practicing taking portraits.

- BeFunky has opened up a whole new world to my photography, allowing me to create a completely different feel for my work.
- I don’t really like photos that look crisp, clean and perfect. That’s boring. I love photography that looks vintage and BeFunky lets me give my photos that look. When my friends see my work, I usually get a glazed look and they say, “How did you do that?” BeFunky add a lot of value to my work because it pushes it beyond what I can do with just my camera.

- To people thinking about trying BeFunky, I would encourage them to give it a try. You will be amazed at what you can accomplish.

See more photos from Elaine: www.zazzle.com/ebphoto