Featured User: Enikő Szalai

For someone who claims photography is not her passion, Eniko keeps proving the opposite. With a collection of photos from her travels across the globe, Eniko hops on BeFunky and turns her captured vacation memories into stunning artwork that will take your breath away. See for yourself.
I take mostly amateur photos, when I'm on holiday. It is not even my passion to take pictures, but I like to have my memories from all over the world in digital format.
I like everything about BeFunky, I spent hours and hours playing around with all the photo effects. It's the first website where I can explore and create interesting stuff with my average holiday pics.
The Oil Painting and Impressionist Effects are my favorites, I guess because I always liked Monet's Impressionist paintings of the water-lilies.

There are impressive amount of effects. I recommend it to everyone, because it is super easy to use. Without having Photoshop and stuff, you can let your imagination run wild and create BeFunky "art".
I've always wanted to pimp my pics and now I'm happy I've come across BeFunky.