Jana Eubank / Scrapbooker

We love it when BeFunky images come into real life from the digital one. There are so many ways to print and use your BeFunky photos and scrapbooking is one of the most popular ones. We've found Jana's designs very creative, colorful and clean so we wanted to share a few of them. We hope that her creations and tips will bring inspiration to many scrapbookers and BeFunky users out there.
BeFunky: When and how did you get interested in scrapbooking?
Jana: Growing up in a family that owned a printing/copying business, paper has been a part of my life for as long as I can remember. I loved to go to my dad’s shop and take home several sheets of all the beautiful colors to make books, drawings, and cards with. My love for paper bled over to Mrs. Grossman’s stickers, mini Hello Kitty stationery sets, markers, colored pencils, watercolors, office supplies, and art classes in school. When I was in high school, my mom attended a scrapbooking home party. She came home and showed us what she had made. I immediately thought to myself, “I want to do that!” Ever since then, I have been scrapbooking in one form or another.
About 4 years ago, I started to make scrapbooking a part of my daily life. As a mother of young children, I loved the creative outlet it gave me. I began participating in online challenges and design teams, which helped me to push myself creatively and try new things. I love that I can spend an afternoon In my office creating a scrapbook page and walk away with something that fulfills my creative spirit but also pays tribute to what is most important to me in life, my family.
What are your favorite products and embellishments?
I have a love affair with patterned paper and buttons. I was organizing my supplies the other night, and I thought to myself, “Oh, goodness. I’m THAT lady.” You know, the lady where once you’ve passed on your family comes to organize your private things and are flabbergasted at all the little bits and pieces you’ve collected over your lifetime. But, hey... it’s good that such simple pleasures make me so happy, right?
Where do you go for inspiration?
For me, inspiration is everywhere! I love looking at the designs in print ads, children’s clothing, wedding blogs, and beautiful interiors. I especially love to study the shapes, color combinations and textures in interior design and then try to translate those ideas into a scrapbook page.
When I’m feeling stuck for ideas, I love to browse the internet, saving inspiring pictures to an Inspiration folder on my desktop and jotting down ideas or color combinations that move me. After I do this exercise, I usually have a flood of ideas and I’m itching to play with some paper.
What kind of photos do you take?
My favorite photos to take are of my children. They are like little cartoon characters that wear their personalities and emotions on their sleeves. Their body language and facial expressions tell such great stories. They change so quickly, too. I have a philosophy that you will never regret taking too many photos of your children, but you will regret not taking enough.
How, specifically, did BeFunky change the way you post process your photos?
I love that I can take a casual snapshot and make it FABULOUS! Let’s face it, I’m just your everyday, amateur photographer. But with the features on BeFunky I can make my pictures sing with emotion and creativity.
To whom would you recommend BeFunky to (if you would)?
I would recommend BeFunky to anyone who loves taking photos. Isn’t that all of us? It can be frustrating to take a photo and then come home, look on it on your computer and realize that you didn’t quite capture the feeling of the moment that you were going for. With BeFunky you can add that depth to your photo that will make you proud of the pictures you take.
If you'd like to learn more about Jana, or see more of her work, visit her blog at www.janaeubank.com