Here’s What’s New In Our Mobile App!

You are going to love this update. Like, really love it. We've made the app a lot faster (like Usain Bolt fast), added some new photo effects, made improvements to a few effects, made new fonts accessible, and added a Favorites section for your filters. Here's a comparison of the old and new apps to show you just how amazing we've made photo editing on your mobile device! Get it on Android, Apple, and Kindle!
1. Ooh and ahh over our new redesigned home screen :)

2. We have significantly improved the time it takes to upload and apply effects!

3. We added Soften to our arsenal of effects and now you can move your favorite filters to the front of the line, making them easier to find! Just double tap on a filter to add it to your Favorites section

5. Say hello to two new Chromatic Filters and Creamy B/W

6. Fonts, fonts, fonts. Your device has a lot of fonts preinstalled, we've now made those accessible in your BeFunky app!

Here's a few more screenshots that show minor updates to your profile and the Explore Gallery!

Old version...

New version...
Let us know what you think of the update in the comments section below!
Stay Funky, friends :)