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BeFunky FX for iPhone is Out!
Keep playing with your photos even when you’re away from your computer…

Lesley Meyer / Amateur Photographer
Photography is Lesley’s passion, but it’s something she does mainly as a hobby. If…

Jim Wyborny / Dad
Jim isn’t the world’s greatest artist. But one look at the stories he writes for his…

The Grunge Scene: Now part of your digital life
You don’t have to be the lead singer of a Seattle garage band circa 1991 to look…

500,000 People Like BeFunky on Facebook!
Our Facebook page just surpassed 500,000 (five hundred thousand) fans…

New: Real-time Preview Thumbs And A New Look
Now you will instantly be able to see how a photo effect will look like on your…

Featured User: Mark Schmidt
Mark’s work is focused on creating individualized artistic representations…

Be Spooky with BeFunky
Tips for creating creepy Halloween pics…

Composition – How To Get It Right (Part 1/2)
Composition, the design of a photograph, is what immediately sets one photo apart…

New Goodies Have Arrived
Now there are over 430 items in the Goodies library…

Featured User: Enikő Szalai
For someone who claims photography is not her passion, Eniko keeps proving the…

Jana Eubank / Scrapbooker
Growing up in a family that owned a printing/copying business, paper has…