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Featured User: David Maya
You can have the most expensive cameras, lenses and all you want, but if you don’t…

Do You Remember The Time?
The one thing I miss about shooting on film is the various color properties available…

Peek Into The Past With Pinhole Images
The one thing photographs do extraordinarily well is paint an…

Featured User: Michelle Reynolds
Michelle is a stay at home mom and aspiring photographer living in Atlanta…

BeFunky Has A Holiday Gift Just For You :)
If you’re under 21, we’re giving you the gift of all our premium effects, filters…

Show Us Your Direction!
Share a photo that shows how big of a One Direction fan you are… and you…

Vote For Pedro… Er, Uh I Mean BeFunky :)
Rock The Vote!…

A Formal Introduction To The BeFunky Photo Booth
Say hello to our little booth 🙂…

Treasure Island Music Festival Got BeFunkied!
Treasure Island Music Festival is over… find out the next place…

Ahoy! BeFunky Be Coming To Treasure Island!
So get yer booty in our photo booth…

BeFunky’s Booth Was The Talk Of Counterpoint Music Fest
We couldn’t find a photo booth awesome enough for BeFunky… so we…

Explore The New Explore Page!
A whole new way to experience BeFunky…