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Update, Glorious Update…
Here’s what we’ve added in our latest and greatest update 🙂…

Meet BeFunky SuperStar Fauxfawn!
Fauxfawn is not only an amazing fashion photographer, she’s also one of our…

Bring All Your Photos With You To BeFunky!

When the Kraken shows up to the party, don’t be that one person who gets eaten…

Having Trouble Saving To Your iPhone’s Camera Roll?
Here’s how to fix this!…

The New And Improved BeFunky – What Are Channels? just got a pretty big update, and we’ve added some really great new…

Mark your calendar, there is a big update coming! You had a lot to say after our…

Winner, Winner! Chicken Dinner!
Only this time the Chicken Dinner = tix to One Direction’s concert in NYC at…

Check Out The New And Improved Explore Gallery
We’ve stepped up our game and made our Explore Gallery more interactive and…

BeFunky Your Holidays!
The Holidays are coming, let us help you put some photo WOW into your Holiday…

New Feature: BeFunky Collage Maker (Finally!)
You asked, we listened! Say hello to BeFunky’s Collage Maker…

Intro To Our World Famous Cartoonizer
Our world famous Cartoonizer is the effect that started it all……