Resize Digital Banners for Any Platform With BeFunky

A well-designed banner is essential for making an impact online. But what happens when you need to use the same design across multiple platforms, each with different size requirements? That’s where BeFunky’s Smart Resize tool comes in handy!
Within our Graphic Designer and Collage Maker, you can quickly create a banner and resize it in just a few clicks, meaning there’s no need to start from scratch every time. Whether you're resizing a banner for YouTube, Facebook, Etsy, or any other platform, our Smart Resize feature ensures your design maintains its quality and impact across every format. Keep reading to learn how to resize banners online effortlessly!
Understanding Banner Sizes and Aspect Ratios
Different platforms have unique size requirements for banners. To help you out, we’ve listed each of these below:
- YouTube Banner Size: 2560 x 1440 pixels (but only the center 1546 x 423 pixels is guaranteed to be visible across all devices)
- Facebook Cover Photo Size: 820 x 312 pixels
- Etsy Big Shop Banner Size: 3360 x 840 pixels
- Twitter Header Size: 1500 x 500 pixels
- LinkedIn Banner Size: 1584 x 396 pixels for personal pages or 1128 x 191 pixels for company pages
- Bluesky Banner Size: 1500 x 500 pixels
- Poshmark Banner Size: 1920 x 1080 pixels
Because these dimensions vary significantly, resizing your banner without stretching or distorting the design is crucial. Smart Resize automatically adjusts your banner’s dimensions while keeping all of its important elements proportionally scaled.
How to Resize a Banner Online for Free
Ready to resize your chosen banner design? Head to the Templates section of the Graphic Designer and select the design you wish to use. Remember, it doesn’t matter what platform your banner template has been designed for, as you’re able to resize it for any platform of your choosing. For this tutorial, we’re going to resize a Twitter banner for displaying on a LinkedIn company page.

Did you know BeFunky’s Collage Maker also supports banner resizing? If you’ve created a banner using a collage layout, you can head to the Customize tab and resize it using Smart Resize – just like in the steps below!
Step 1: Resize Your Banner Template
Click Customize in the main menu on the left, followed by Resize Template.

You can select a template size preset using the dropdown menu at the top. Here, you’ll find plenty of popular platforms to choose from. If your desired banner dimensions aren’t in this menu, then you can simply type your desired height and width into the corresponding boxes. If you keep the Lock Aspect Ratio box checked, it will keep the same aspect ratio when you type into either the width or height box. If you want an entirely new aspect ratio with your custom dimensions, simply uncheck that box.
You’ll also want to ensure the Smart Resize option is checked, as this will resize all of the graphic and layer elements of your project in relation to the new size/aspect ratio.

Step 2: Make Adjustments
Depending on how drastically your banner template’s dimensions changed, you may or may not have to reposition its various elements after resizing. If you do, to make space for your avatar, title, etc., just click and drag and shapes, graphics, text, or imagery and drop them into their new position. Additionally, you can make elements bigger or smaller by clicking them with your mouse and dragging their corners inwards or outwards.

Step 3: Save Your Resized Banner
Now that your banner design has been resized perfectly for another platform, it’s time to save it. Click Save at the top of the screen, then select your desired location and format.

From Twitter Header to LinkedIn Banner in Seconds
Wasn’t that easy? In just a few clicks, it’s easy to resize any social media banner for another platform, ensuring you have a cohesive presence for your brand.

Inspiration: How Our Banner Looks on Multiple Platforms
To demonstrate how seamless resizing can be, let’s take this same banner design and resize it for three additional platforms: YouTube, Etsy, and Facebook.
1. YouTube Banner (2560 x 1440 pixels)
A YouTube banner needs to look good on desktops, mobile devices, and TVs, which means keeping key elements within the safe zone, which is the center 1546 x 423 pixels. Using Smart Resize, you can quickly scale a standard design to fit these dimensions without losing important details.

2. Etsy Big Banner (3360 x 840 pixels)
Etsy banners have a narrower aspect ratio, meaning elements like your shop name, tagline, graphics, or imagery may need to be repositioned. After using Smart Resize, a quick adjustment ensures everything remains visible and aesthetically pleasing.

3. Facebook Cover Photo (820 x 312 pixels)
With Smart Resize, a Twitter banner can easily be adapted into a Facebook cover photo without distortion. The Smart Resize tool allows for small tweaks to optimize text and images for the new layout.

Effortlessly Resize Banners Online
With BeFunky’s Smart Resize tool, resizing banners for different platforms has never been easier. Whether you need YouTube channel art, a LinkedIn banner, Etsy shop banner, Facebook cover, or more, our tool ensures your cover image design looks great across every platform – without the hassle of redesigning it from scratch.
Head to the Graphic Designer to start designing and resizing your banners online today!