Results for "art"

Create Your Own Adult Coloring Book
Who doesn’t love to color? Here’s how you can create a free adult coloring book…

How to Make Your Own Shepard Fairey Hope Poster
Learn how to inspire yourself and others by making your own Shepard Fairey Hope…

Emulate Famous Artists’ Techniques (Part II)
We can’t all be painters. Luckily, it’s not too hard to recreate the work of the…

How to Create a Then and Now Photograph
What do you get when you overlap a vintage photo with a modern shot? Add a…

10 Of Our Most Epic BeFunky Users
We’re not ashamed to say it: our users are the best. Here are a couple of our favorite…

Perspective Composition For Amateur Photographers
Ah, the magnificent art of exposure. Learn how to utilize perspective composition in…

DIY Personalized Calendars
Feeling crafty? Turn your precious moments into nifty DIY gifts you’ll…

Mixed Media Fun With Studio Ghibli
Ever dreamed of creating your own anime? I decided to give it a shot by making a…

Take the Corporate Out of Your Cubicle
Corporate life can be tough when you have to answer to “the man”. Luckily…

The Best Yoga Poses to Improve Focus
Ever wondered if there was a quick way to sharpen your focus? Learn how to create…

Getting Crafty: Logos, Watermarks With The Background & Layer Tools
We’ve just debuted two new features that we know you’re really going to love…

Make Your Own Temporary Tattoo
Want to finally test out that tat you’ve always been dreaming of? Create your…