Results for "featured"

Be Funky In Your Classroom
Tips and tricks from Mr. E for using BeFunky in your classroom. From…

New: Real-time Preview Thumbs And A New Look
Now you will instantly be able to see how a photo effect will look like on your…

Featured User: Mark Schmidt
Mark’s work is focused on creating individualized artistic representations…

Be Spooky with BeFunky
Tips for creating creepy Halloween pics…

Composition – How To Get It Right (Part 1/2)
Composition, the design of a photograph, is what immediately sets one photo apart…

Featured User: David Maya
You can have the most expensive cameras, lenses and all you want, but if you don’t…

Do You Remember The Time?
The one thing I miss about shooting on film is the various color properties available…

Who Knew that Blue Could Look So Good? Cyanotype Prints
Every once in a while I look at B&W photographs and get drawn in solely by…

Inkify Effect
BeFunky’s Inkify digital effect is an ink effect that converts a regular photo to ink…

Peek Into The Past With Pinhole Images
The one thing photographs do extraordinarily well is paint an…

Featured User: Michelle Reynolds
Michelle is a stay at home mom and aspiring photographer living in Atlanta…

Featured User: Peter Spowage
Peter loves Facebook. At least that’s what you can conclude by taking a quick look…