Results for "graphic design"

Italian Band TripleRock Gets Funky With Their Promotion Strategy
Rockabilly band TripleRock has 60+ gigs in Italy since 2013. By using BeFunky to…

How to Create a Step-by-Step Guide Graphic
There’s no reason to bog down your blog with boring columns of words. Instead…

Google+ Is Not Dead! Let’s Create Your Google Cover Photo
Are you using Google+ yet? If you aren’t, about 300 million people are, so it’s time…

The Beginner’s Guide to Making Business Cards
By following this beginner’s guide, you can create a business card that perfectly…

Dia De Los Muertos Dinner Party Menu
Bored with Halloween parties? Why not have a Dia de los Muertos celebration…

Getting Crafty: Logos, Watermarks With The Background & Layer Tools
We’ve just debuted two new features that we know you’re really going to love…

Make Your Own Temporary Tattoo
Want to finally test out that tat you’ve always been dreaming of? Create your…

Creating a Facebook Group Header Graphic
With the cooler weather comes something we all enjoy —fall television premieres…

5 Simple Food Swaps for a Healthier Life
Wallet getting thinner from eating out too often? Here’s 5 simple food swaps you…

Oh My: What Lovely Updates You Have There
To help make your October even better, we’ve just rolled out some new goodies…

How to Make Infographics for Social Media
Don’t settle for the same old map when you blog about your latest road trip…

Are You Missing Out On The Branding Power Of Facebook Fan Pages?
So how do you leverage the power of that Facebook Fan Page, with your website…