Results for "home"

The Secret to Photo Editing for Various Skin Tones
Read on to learn the secret to editing various skin tones to perfect your portrait…

How to Create Seamless Carousel Instagram Posts
Create seamless carousel posts for Instagram with BeFunky’s Photo Editor…

How Creating a Simple Sales Funnel Will Amplify Your Sales
We’ve learned how to build marketing campaign assets and how to create a…

DIY Silhouette Portraits
Create your own silhouette portraits with BeFunky’s Photo Editor…

How to Design a Unique Album Cover
Create a standout album cover using these tips, tricks, and BeFunky photo editing…

5 Creative Ways to Personalize Your Social Media Profile Picture
Get inspired with these cool ways to elevate your social media profile pictures and…

8 Tips for Taking Better Travel Photos With Your Phone
Some tips to help elevate travel photos taken from your phone…

How to Create a Hero Image for a Marketing Campaign
Learn all about creating hero images to elevate your marketing reach…

Color Grade Images With the Color Mixer
The Color Mixer tool allows you to color grade your images perfectly –every time…

How to Add an Orton Style Effect to Your Photography
Have you ever wondered how professional photographers achieve that soft and…

A Simplified Guide for Building Marketing Campaign Assets
After all of your brand building, you’re ready to start marketing your business…

The Most Popular Interior Design Trends of 2023
Here are the top 10 interior design trends of 2023 for inspiration…