Results for "inspiration"

Say It With a DIY Valentine’s Day Card
Nothing says “you’re special” like a handmade gift, so we’ll show you how…

Stunning DIY Invites for Your New Year’s Eve Party
Hosting a NYE shindig? Need invites? The Designer Toolset’s got all the goods you…

How to Capture and Edit Cityscape Photography
Cityscapes are fun to shoot AND edit. We’ll show you how to nail the perfect…

Using Complementary Colors to Make Your Photos Pop
While color surrounds us in our daily lives, mastering it is a whole other issue. We’ll…

An Introduction to Editing Macro Photography
Think of macro photography as capturing an image that isn’t visible to the naked…

Light Leaks: Taking Vintage a Step Further
Take your photography back in time with retro Light Leaks…

How to Retouch Photos With the Reshape Tool
Shrink, Grow and Smudge your images to create fun photo effects…

Find Your Focus With Funky Focus
Add depth to your photos by changing your focal point with BeFunky’s Funky Focus…

4 Tips for Mastering Reflection Photography
Reflection photography, also referred to as mirror photography, is when you use…

Why Graphic Design Is Necessary For Your Business
Learning how to ace graphic design isn’t as hard as you’d think. Here’s how you can…

Making A DIY Custom Trivia Game For Your Wedding Reception
Who needs expensive, fancy wedding decorations when you can fun up your…

5 Design Principles to Make Your Projects Stand Out
You don’t have to be a designer to give your projects a professional, polished…