Results for "photo editor"

Enhance Your Photos Like Never Before With BeFunky Plus
When you upgrade to BeFunky Plus, more is just what you get. More options when…

How To Create Light, Bright And Airy Images
At the moment it seems we’re all striving to create light, bright and airy images…

A Beginner’s Guide to Using BeFunky for Your Business
If you own or work in a small business, you’ll want to create perfectly edited…

The Design Your Dream Contest
Stop putting your dreams on hold and build your brand in a big way with our new…

Halloween Is A Wrap With These Spooky Cupcakes
Get in the Halloween spirit with these cute cupcakes & jazz up your photos…

Simple Ways To Improve Your Images
Do you wish there was an app out there that could make your pictures web-ready with…

5 Simple Food Swaps for a Healthier Life
Wallet getting thinner from eating out too often? Here’s 5 simple food swaps you…

Fall 2015 Beauty Trends
Graphic liner, glowing skin, and berry lips are among the must have looks for Fall…

How to Make Infographics for Social Media
Don’t settle for the same old map when you blog about your latest road trip…

Found Object Art: Then And Now
Found Object Art isn’t just finding something & throwing filters on it…

Let’s Talk Perks: With BeFunky Membership Comes Rewards
There’s always perks to being a member, and that’s especially true with BeFunky…

5 Product Photography Tips for Beginners
Product photography might just be the most crucial step in making that eCommerce…