Results for "photo editor"

Recreate Your Favorite Famous Artists’ Styles
They say that the greatest forgeries ever committed are the ones hanging…

Your Daily Dose of Wanderlust: Adventures In Foodie France
Because I’m a shameless, foodie obsessed travel blogger, I had no reservations…

Using BeFunky’s Collage Editor to Make a Film Strip
Make any collection of photos into a realistic-looking film strip online…

Say Hello To Our Little Friends: Introducing The Undo/Redo Buttons
Introducing our fabulous new Undo and Redo buttons for our online photo editor…

Using BeFunky To Make A Twitter Header
Ah, Twitter. As a writer, it’s one of my favourite procrastination…

Make Your Own Summer BBQ Invitation
Create standout BBQ invitations for your summer event…

The Science of the Selfie: How to Take the Perfect Photo
The word ‘selfie’ itself is so much more than just a photo snapped up here and…

All About BeFunky Plus
When you need to get down to business, BeFunky Plus offers additional tools…

Because Life Needs All The Colors, Meet The New Color Picker
With the new Color Picker you’ll be able to enjoy limitless amount of colors for your…

BeFunky Got Google-fied & Chromed Out
4 simple steps to connect BeFunky to your Google Drive account for easy uploading…

Welcome To The New BeFunky
If you’re reading this, you’ve probably noticed things at have…

This is the New BeFunky.