Results for "photo tips"

Instagram Tips to Grow Your Small Business Fast
Instagram can pretty powerful for small businesses looking to boost their reach…

A Quick HDR Lesson
But if you know a thing or two about the theory behind HDR and have yourself a…

Express Yourself! 5 Emotions to Capture Through Body Language
What’s more elegant than a classic yoga headstand on a mountainside? Body…

Foodie Photo Tips for Instagram
Are you a die-hard foodie/photographer? Learn how to create unique, eye-popping…

How To Create Light, Bright And Airy Images
At the moment it seems we’re all striving to create light, bright and airy images…

A Beginner’s Guide to Using BeFunky for Your Business
If you own or work in a small business, you’ll want to create perfectly edited…

Simple Ways To Improve Your Images
Do you wish there was an app out there that could make your pictures web-ready with…

Creating Pinterest Graphics That Viewers Just Have To Pin
Are you creating pins that your Pinterest followers just have to pin? Bloggers…

Create Quick And Easy Timeless Treasures
Precious memories and family photos lie around every corner. Catch them when…

How To Capture The Happiest Memories On Earth
Everyone loves theme park photos, so why not learn how to master them like a true…

Top 5 Photo Tips for Travelers
Great photos can tell the story of your journey in a unique way. Whether you’re…

How to Achieve a Vintage Photo Effect
Use BeFunky’s excellent vintage-inspired filters and editing tools to help turn your…