Results for "photography"

Enhance Beauty. Instantly.
Learn how to create beautifully balanced photos instantly using BeFunky’s NEW…

Meet Bentley: The Friendliest, Funkiest Pit Bull Around
Laura and her American Pit Bull Terrier, Bentley, are changing minds about breed…

Behind The Blog With La Cuochina Sopraffina
Veruska Anconitano is bringing the joy of Italian cooking to the masses with her…

4 Tips for Mastering Reflection Photography
Reflection photography, also referred to as mirror photography, is when you use…

Capturing the Magic of Golden Hour Photography
Photos look their best during Golden Hour, aka that time after sunrise or before…

15 Day Photo Challenge
Ready for a fun and exciting (but not TOO demanding) photo a day list? Here it is…

No Lipstick? No Problem! Change Your Lip Color With the Lipstick Tool
With the Lipstick tool, you can plump your pout and add a pop of color to create a…

5 Design Principles to Make Your Projects Stand Out
You don’t have to be a designer to give your projects a professional, polished…

10 Fun DIY Valentine’s Day Projects
We’ve rounded-up 10 of the most fun and colorful Valentine’s Day themed DIY…

Double Exposure Photography: Rainbow Edition
Learning about double exposure photography is one thing, but did you…

10 Fun Accessories For Photographers Under $50
Looking for accessories to rock your photography experience? I thought so…

How Little Sprout Design Grows Her Etsy Business
Want to grow your small business creatively? Take your business to the…