Update, Glorious Update…

We've updated our mobile apps! Along with the typical bug fixes (yes, we fixed that pesky iOS6 privacy bug!!!) and stability improvements, we've included a few new features that are worth mentioning. You told us that 6 fonts just wasn't enough, we were listening. We've added 11 new fonts for you to have fun with! Like all of our effects, these new fonts are unique to BeFunky!
Your experience in the Explore Gallery got a huge improvement, now when you click through to a single photo view you can cruise through the photos quickly and easily with the swipe of a finger!
Since it's almost summer time (here in the Northern Hemisphere :D) we've added a couple new filters to the effects section. They add a bit of added saturation and slight hue adjustments along with some really cool (or hot since it's summer) light leaks.
Stay Funky :)